He will grant you the optimal input responding to your problems and also providing you with shoulder to lean on.Witness to share and interchanging stories to bewitch the affair of romance ‘twixt unremitting contentment and assembling the love pilgrimage even deeper is the boon of this captivating hamlet that persists to renounce a romantic imagination of yours.


Reach out and hold my hand, wrap our bodies so tight that we fuse into one soul. Like the snow drifts giving way to spring, I will hold you for as long as I can.Let me show you how world would be bewitchingly beautiful with so much love, so much feelings of happiness through an odyssey with me. This man, will guide you to the places you’ve yearned.



Please remember that Kavian is also a human, that can make mistakes too and have real-life activities outside the rental session.Kavian only handling one client per-day, his love and affection will be shown only for you.His working hours are from 9AM to 9PM (GMT+7). Reserved for all account types except alter and personal account, currently only available on Twitter and Telegram platforms.Clients are expected to fill in the format clearly as possible, so he can provide the maximum work in accordance with the client’s wishes.The minimum rent duration is 2 hours, and the maximum is 5 days. You can rent again as long as it has been three days from the last daily rent session, and please discuss it with his manager.

If during the specified rental session he has a sudden rush that cannot be left behind, the client can reschedule the rental session according to his availability.Client are allowed to send photos, videos, and voice notes but send anything containing personal identity are strictly prohibited.Please don’t crossing the boundaries and respect each other’s privacy, know the limits to not make him uncomfortable.Any feelings that appear after rent session ended are totally not his responsibility.After the rent session is over, client are required to fill the padlet. Critism and suggestions as honest review from you will help him to be even better and improve his work.

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This is a good day to be

in love